Outside hotel view

Hotel trends 2022: what to do to stay relatable?

Hoteliers are getting used to the new normality and how it shapes the reality of hospitality. In this article, we will talk more about hospitality industry trends for 2022. Explore with us what hotels need in this new year and the next to come.

Trends for hospitality businesses

Contactless technology

Recent times have taught us that reduced interaction is a necessity, and it seems that it won’t change quickly. The year 2021 showed us that many of the hotel industry trends we see now will stay relevant in 2022 and beyond. In the hospitality industry, contact is an important part that will determine feelings about the entire stay.

Guests who can reach out to the reception desk instantly or order room services will most likely assess positively the quality. Currently, the minimized amount of personal contact does not have to mean that hotels guests are left out. Quite the opposite, modern solutions dedicated to the hotel community allow for complete automation of interactions.

Thanks to the intelligent application that is easy to download on the phone, the guest has the option of mobile check-in and out, a quick chat with the front desk, and scheduling a room service. All these possibilities are available in just a few clicks and give a feeling of extra comfort.

Smart rooms that guests can control from their mobile devices have a greater appeal for business travelers who need work-ready rooms almost all the time. Needless to say, most of those travelers are working remotely and need a full connection to the internet. 

This hospitality trend is more popular because fits perfectly into the new realities and guests’ expectations. It simplifies the entire process of hotel actions. 

More about contactless technology

Contactless solutions even allow you to reduce your hotel staff at the front desk. A mobile device can successfully replace a person when it comes to check-in and out, room key, and other activities.

Moreover, this solution for a hotel business is more compelling to modern guests who value intelligent digital features that also save them some time. Whether guests are couples or solo travelers, a contactless solution will fit perfectly for their needs.

Hotel room door with digital lock


When it comes to hospitality trends, we need to talk about personalization. Of course, this is not a novelty in service and communication, but it is currently becoming the expected standard. Content and messages tailored to the guest guarantee a better feeling about the whole stay, easy involvement in the proposed activities, and encouragement to use additional offers in the facility. 

Guest experience research

Now we know that personalization is an important hospitality trend, plus we can learn more about that from Infosys studies. According to the Rethinking Retail report, as many as 59% of customers say that content personalization has a significant impact on purchasing decisions. The same applies to your guest and the messages they will receive from you throughout the entire stay.

Skillfully selected messages will not only increase the profit of the hotels but also the positive experience of the guest. Thanks to this, they have a better chance of effect positively in the future as a recommendation to friends, an opinion on the Internet, or a return visit. 

Smart TV system in a hotel room

How can the hospitality industry become more sustainable? 

Eco hotel industry

The current technology development gives us countless opportunities for promotion and contact with new travelers. For some time now, digital banners replaced printed information brochures and leaflets. Why? For instance, it is an eco-friendly trend that saves time and money. Sustainability has been trending for quite some time now in the hospitality industry and other industries like that one.

Thanks to introducing a TV systemsmart room tablet, or info-kiosks to your place, you can completely forget about outdated printed catalogs. Now your guest will find all the information and promotions in one place. In addition, this convenient and intelligent solution allows you to adjust the hotel offers to the selected guest and present countless messages.

More about eco movement

Recently, an environmentally friendly approach is gaining more and more publicity. It applies to hotels, the travel industry, and many more. The current world state makes people take action and introduce an eco-friendly practices in their everyday life.

There are a lot of statements on what should change in the approach to climate: boycotting huge manufacturers, air travel, cutting forests, etc. As feelings of travel guilt increase among consumers, travel and hospitality brands face great opportunities to rethink their offers and enhance them with eco-solutions.

A social media-friendly space 

Speaking of hotel trends, we must mention the interior. It’s no secret that people like to surround themselves with a beautiful, modern, and functional space. In the case of a hotel room, the interior often affects the quality of the guest’s stay, satisfaction, and humor. So far, there has been a lot of research into the effects of space on mood.

Dr. Simone Moor proved that the rooms we stay in have an impact even on the quality of our health. In the era of social media, the place and its decor became even more significant. It is a memory of a holiday that guests will most likely publish on their profiles.

Make sure that the hotel rooms in your venue are friendly to publications. Creating an informal atmosphere and homely décor will do wonders. That is an additional form of promotion for your hotel, plus it is free and can strengthen hotel marketing strategies.

How to follow hospitality industry trends?

To sum up, it is crucial to match new trends to the hotels’ needs. All 2022 trends are significant factors, but it is necessary to invest in long-term functionalities. Growth worldwide or in a local area is essential when suited to the hotel’s needs. Some hotels are now investing in future technology like virtual tours, voice search, and artificial intelligence. Their goal is to generate more money, more visits, and stay ahead.

Don’t get us wrong, it is a growing demand to help hotel brands gain more potential customers and direct bookings. However, it is influential not to lose sight of the real hotel’s needs. Remember that you don’t need to make a total transformation at first. Start with simple steps that allow you and your business to grow and rise. With technological solutions, you can improve guest satisfaction and hotel revenue.