Full size hotel kiosks

Hotel kiosk for your guests – is it worth it?

Hotel kiosk brings undeniable benefits. It is an intuitive and useful product that helps you reduce expenses, while at the same time improving the overall comfort of your guests and staff.

Modern self-service technologies have been gaining popularity in several different sectors of the service industry. Hotel and restaurant owners are willing to implement such solutions in their establishments – a great example of that is a digital kiosk. This multifunctional device brings some undeniable benefits to the table. It is a flexible and useful piece of technology that helps you reduce expenses, while at the same time improving the overall comfort of your guests and staff.

Hotel kiosk – a perfect receptionist

Let’s think about what it really takes to employ professional and well-experienced hotel personnel. We’re sure that each and every person that gets the job will try their best to meet the standards and fulfill their responsibilities. There are, however, many other factors – often impossible to foresee – that could affect the performance of an employee. Illnesses, family and housing problems, as well as mental health issues, just to name a few. 

Equipping your establishment with a modern self-service hotel kiosk for guests is just like getting an employee who never takes a day off. Reliability and top performance at any given moment – are the main benefits of automatic solutions. No matter the circumstances, every customer will receive proper care and attention, accordingly to the standard you’ve set. The device is also capable of multilanguage support, which is crucial when you host a lot of foreign visitors.

Day and night hotel service of the highest standards

One of the many important advantages that make hotel kiosks stand out is that you can use them at any given moment – day or night. A guest might visit your establishment late into the night and still receive professional service, all the formalities included. Swift and intuitive controls are other benefits that are worth taking into account. Automatic solutions with unclear and needlessly convoluted control schemes are prone to generating negative online feedback. With our hotel kiosk, you can rest assured – it won’t happen.

How the hotel kiosk helps you cut down costs?

Running a 24/7 reception desk will cost you a lot of money – no doubt about that. In most cases, it also means that you have to have a full guest service crew at your disposal, in order to receive your visitors at any time of the day. A state-of-the-art hotel kiosk allows you to reduce employment expenditures, while still being able to receive your guests, even outside the working hours of your reception desk.

This device is capable of providing comprehensive service to anyone, who arrives at your hotel outside the usual rush hours. The kiosk delivers quick and intuitive feedback – it doesn’t require any assistance from your staff (excluding periods of heavy traffic, when the lines are forming). Investing in this technology lets you minimize the workforce during certain hours, which leads directly to cost reduction. As running a successful business and lowering expenses usually go hand-in-hand, such solutions are definitely worth exploring.

Hotel kiosk solution two screens

Technology and hotel reputation

Guests tend to appreciate any signs of modern technology implemented within the hotel facilities – it simply creates a feeling of comfort and high standards, which stays with them long after their visit. Self-service kiosks are extremely easy-to-use. Everyone will be able to operate them using built-in instructions displayed on the touch screen. Intuitive controls are crucial for anyone, who values a swift and effortless experience when it comes to handling formalities.

Improved guest experience will in turn result in better online review ratings. Favorable opinions will in turn help you attract more traffic and expand your base of loyal – and returning – customers. All thanks to our digital kiosk! Apart from that, your hotel will also be labeled as a modern and flexible establishment, adapted to the latest technological developments in the hospitality sector.

Hotel kiosk – a wide range of applications

Your options aren’t limited solely to running a hotel – our kiosk will prove itself useful in many other branches of the commercial sector. Rentals, restaurants, museums, public facilities, and all kinds of exhibition space – the potential is huge. The most substantial benefit is, of course, complex customer service automation – everything from payment processing to providing personalized data and messaging systems.

The iLumio digital kiosk delivers all the tools necessary to provide a complex and professional hotel experience for your guests. Swift and intuitive customer service, combined with the automation of a considerable part of your employees’ work, will not only boost the overall comfort of your visitors, but also allow you to significantly reduce the cost of keeping a reception desk.